- now focussing on regional politics --> Aachener Stadtrat
- project will be first written as Website. Gives the possibility for iPhone App or any other (mobile) device in the future.
- push messages not available --> email if wanted by the user
Design and implementation decisions:
- user registration needed
- user initialy choose favourite topics (can be modified later via profile settings)
- home screen shows recent topics filtered by interests.
- we wanted to make the topics visually distinguishable. For example by using one or more of the following:
- colors
- shapes
- symbols/pictures
- using the symbols as tags that can be checked or unchecked to vary the displayed topic on the fly. (changes can be saved) --> no need to do this in the profile settings
- clicking on a bill shows more information and ables the user to vote for or against it.
- bills the user allready voted for/against change color / are grayed out / change opacity or are even completly removed from the home screen (no decision made so far)
- allow the user to look at the history of her votes and also compare these with the politiciansʻ desicions
- user can compare his previous decisions to the decisions made by the different political parties. These statistics could make the user reconsider the way she is going to vote in the next Stadtrat elections.
Our paper prototype/storyboard is still worked on and will be posted as soon as possible.
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